Katherine Parr: Life Story
Chapter 8 : Summary & Bibliography
Katherine Parr seems to have been a woman of much charm and with a lovable nature. Her step-children were all very fond of her and she had close relationships with her siblings and cousins. Henry clearly respected her intellect, and she was the first Queen to have her own works published. Her love of shoes and dancing and the pleasure she took in fine clothes endear her to a modern generation, even while her religious writings that she set so much store by, pass us by.
The quotes are taken from Katherine’s own letters, and the story of the plot against her by Gardiner derived from Foxe’s Acts and Monuments, which is generally taken to be accurate.
Bruce, J & Nichols J.G. - Wills from Doctors' Commons. A selection from the wills of eminent persons proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1495-1695: BiblioBazaar2009
Fraser, A. – The Six Wives of Henry VIII – Phoenix 2012
James, S. Catherine Parr – Henry VIII’s Last Love: The History Press 2008
Foxe. J. Book of Martyrs (Actes and Monuments….): John Day1563
Porter, L. Katherine the Queen, the Remarkable Life of Katherine Parr: Macmillan 2010
Starkey, D. – Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII: Vintage 2004
Whitaker, T.D. – A History of Richmondshire: Isha Books 2013
Weir, A. – The Six Wives of Henry VIII; The Bodley Head 1991
Letters & Papers, Foreign and Domestic of the Reign of Henry VIII
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
Calendar of State Papers, France
Calendar of State Papers, Venice
The Rutland Papers, printed for the Camden Society
This article is part of a Profile on Katherine Parr available for Kindle, for purchase from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Katherine Parr
Family Tree