Edward Burgh
Edward Burgh’s only claim to fame is as the first husband of Katherine Parr. He was born around 1510, probably at Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, and married Katherine in 1529. Katherine’s full dowry had not been paid by 1531, and perhaps this lack of funds was the reason for Edward and Katherine remaining in his parents’ home.

Eventually, in October 1530, Edward was appointed as Steward, in survivorship with his father, of the Manor of Kirton-in-Lindsey, some 15 miles north-east of Gainsborough and took up residence there. He also sat on the various Commissions of the Peace for that county. Edward died sometime in early 1533 from unknown causes.
So far as is known, Edward and Katherine had no children.Dr James, in her biography of Katherine, suggests that Edward may have been homosexual, but adduces no evidence.