Howard Family
Sola Virtus Invicta (Only Virtue Unconquered)
Chapter 2 : Rising Fortunes
Following a brief sojourn in the Tower of London, where he declined an opportunity to escape at the time of Lambert Simnel's rebellion in 1487, Surrey swore loyalty to the new regime. He was restored to his title in 1489, and appointed by Henry VII to act as his lieutenant in the North of England. He showed exemplary loyalty to Henry, stating that he would be loyal to a stock, if that stock were declared King by Parliament.

In 1497, in retaliation for James IV's invasion and destruction of Norham Castle (with Bishop Fox, Henry's emissary inside), Surrey led a force into Scotland.
Neither army was in a strong position, and James offered to settle the matter through single combat. Surrey, aged 54 to James' 24, and of small, lean stature declined, on the grounds that as a mere lieutenant to his own King, it would not become him to fight a monarch.
In due course, when relations between Scotland and England improved, Surrey was one of the English negotiators of the Treaty of Perpetual Peace, which was to be sealed with the marriage of James to Margaret, Henry VII's daughter.
On completion of the marriage in 1503, Surrey and his Countess were selected to accompany the young Princess Margaret to Edinburgh.He led Margaret's great train of ladies and gentlemen on a splendid tour through the north east.Perhaps Henry, mindful of the lack of enthusiasm in the north for the Tudor dynasty, was keen to show a former supporter of Richard III as a stalwart supporter of himself.
On arrival in Edinburgh, Surrey got on well with James, and the young Queen Margaret wrote to her father that he was always with the king. In due course, Surrey returned south, laden with gifts and appreciative of James IV's hospitality but he had made the most of his time, increasing his understanding of the King's impulsive character and the relationships at his court.