Anne of Brittany: Life Story
Chapter 12 : Bibliography
Booton, D. E. (2016) Manuscripts, Market and the Transition to Print in Late Medieval Brittany. Routledge.
Brown, C. J. (2011) The Queen’s Library: Image-Making at the Court of Anne of Brittany, 1477-1514. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Cloisters (Musée), & Freeman, M. B. (1976) The Unicorn Tapestries. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
De La Warr, C. (1906) A Twice Crowned Queen, Anne of Brittany. London, Nash.
Ditchburn, D., & Mackay, A. (Eds) (1996) Atlas of Medieval Europe., 1 edition. London ; New York: Routledge.
Editor, M. M. (n.d.) Great Hours of Anne of Brittany Bibliothèque nationale de France.
——. (n.d.). The Calendar: April, f. 7r.
Fourmont, H. D. de. (1854) Histoire de la Chambre des comptes de Bretagne. Paris : De Signy et Dubey.
Gristwood, Sarah (2016) Game of Queens: Oneworld Publications
Harthan, J. (1977) Books of Hours and Their Owners., 01 edition. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.
Le Roux de Lincy, 1806-1869. (1860) Vie de la reine Anne de Bretagne, femme des rois de France, Charles VIII et Louis XII. Suivie de lettres inédites & de documents originaux. Paris, L. Curmer
Mallett, M. E., & Shaw, C. (2012) The Italian Wars 1494-1559: War, State and Society in Early Modern Europe., 1 edition. Harlow, England ; New York: Routledge.
Matthew, D. (Ed.). (1983) Atlas of Mediaeval Europe. Oxford: Phaidon P.
Nicolas Menin. (1775) A Description of the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of France: With an Historical Account of ... Printed for S. Hooper
Penn, T. (2012) Winter King: The Dawn of Tudor England., Reprint edition. London: Penguin
Philippe de Comines, J. de R. (n.d.) The memoirs of Philip de Commines. To which is added, The scandalous ...
Pierre Choque, A. (1858) Récit des funérailles d’Anne de Bretagne, par Bretaigne, avec une intr. et des notes par L ...
Rorrimer, James J. (1942) ‘The Unicorn Tapestries were made for Anne of Brittany’, Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin.
Sanborn, H. J. (Helen J. (1917) Anne of Brittany; the Story of a Duchess and Twice-Crowned Queen. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard co.
Wellman, Kathleen, (2013) Queens and Mistresses of Renaissance France: Yale University Press

Anne of Brittany
Family Tree