The King's Witch

Published: Hodder & Stoughton on
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1473662308

The King's Witch is a debut novel for Tracy Borman, historian and author of a number of highly acclaimed non-fiction history books, including The Private Lives of the Tudors, Thomas Cromwell: The Untold Story of Henry VIII's Most Faithful Servant, Witches: A Tale of Sorcery, Scandal and Seduction, and Elizabeth's Women: The Hidden Story of the Virgin Queen.

As she helps to nurse the dying Queen Elizabeth, Frances Gorges longs for the fields and ancient woods of her parents' Hampshire estate, where she has learned to use the flowers and herbs to become a much-loved healer.

Frances is happy to stay in her beloved countryside when the new King arrives from Scotland, bringing change, fear and suspicion. His court may be shockingly decadent, but James's religion is Puritan, intolerant of all the old ways; he has already put to death many men for treason and women for witchcraft.

So when her ambitious uncle forcibly brings Frances to court, she is trapped in a claustrophobic world of intrigue and betrayal - and a ready target for the twisted scheming of Lord Cecil, the King's first minister. Surrounded by mortal dangers, Frances finds happiness only with the precocious young Princess Elizabeth, and Tom Wintour, the one courtier she can trust.

Or can she?

Read Tracy's guest article, James I and Witchcraft, here

James VI & I

James VI & I

Family Tree

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