James I and Witchcraft
by Tracy Borman
Chapter 1: Whipping up a Storm
In September
1589, James VI of Scotland waited anxiously for news of his betrothed, Anne of
Denmark, who had set sail across the North Sea several weeks before. Eventually, word reached him that a terrible
storm had battered Anne's fleet and many lives had been lost. In an uncharacteristic show of bravery, James
resolved to sail across the treacherous seas and collect his new bride in
person. But another tempest whipped up
out of nowhere, and he was forced to retreat to Scottish shores. He eventually made it to Oslo in November and
the pair were formally wed.

The episode
would have a profound effect upon the King of Scots. Denmark was one of the most vicious witch
hunting countries in Europe, and during his stay he heard whispers that neither
storm had been an accident: they were the result of a witchcraft conspiracy
that had aimed at nothing less than the murder of the king and his bride. From that moment, James was inspired with a
witch hunting fervour so extreme – and so dangerous – that it would wreak
terror across his kingdom.
Upon returning
to Scotland, James had no fewer than seventy of his subjects rounded up on
suspicion of bewitching his fleet and that of his new wife. He personally superintended the interrogation
of many of the suspects, including the ringleader – a 'wise woman' named Agnes
Sampson. Taking 'great delight' in her
torture, he was dismayed when she suddenly called a halt to the proceedings and
beckoned the king to her. She then
whispered something in his ear that made him go as white as a sheet. It transpired that she had repeated the very
words that had passed between James and Anne on their wedding night – words
that no other mortal soul could possibly have known. If James needed any further proof that
witches existed, this was it. He sent
Agnes straight to the flames. Thousands
more of his subjects – both in Scotland and (after 1603) in England would
perish for the same crime.