Anne Boleyn: Adultery, Heresy and Desire

Published: Amberley Publishing on
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 978-1445643458

Anne Boleyn, the femme fatale whose unconventional beauty inspired poets, and so entranced Henry VIII with her wit, allure and style that he was prepared to set aside his wife of over twenty years and risk his immortal soul. Her sister had already been the king’s mistress, but the other Boleyn girl was to choose another path. For years the passionate lovers waited; did they really remain chaste? Did Anne love Henry, or was she a cunning career woman?

Eventually replacing the long suffering Catherine of Aragon, Anne enjoyed a magnificent coronation and gave birth to the future Elizabeth I but her triumph was short lived. Why did she go from beloved consort to adulteress and traitor within a matter of weeks? What role did Thomas Cromwell and Jane Seymour of Wolf Hall play in Anne’s demise? Was her fall one of the biggest sex scandals of her era, or the result of a political coup? This book is the most detailed account of Anne’s life ever published, taking her from cradle to grave and beyond. Anne is vividly brought to life amid the colour, drama and the intimate secrets of the Tudor court.

US Publication Date: 1 April 2018

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